Friday 20 June 2014

Review; The Kong Flyer

It is only fitting that for our first product review we feature our longest surviving toy; the Kong Flyer. 

The first savior we found to exercise the dogs and in my humble opinion,  the best toy you could buy for an active dog. We purchased one only a few months after we brought Occa home and were initially concerned about its longevity in his jaws. But true to form, Kong has created a frisbee from their tough, yet plyable rubber which has not broken, cracked or torn in two years! That's right my friends,  we have had one of our Frisbees for two years and it has been played with by multiple dogs at one time. It has withstood mid-air catching, tug of war and general chewing yet still hasn't shown signs of giving in.

The Flyer was relatively easy to get the hang of and once you got the angle of the throw correct (try to throw it flat so it doesn't catch on the air) it can fly for metres. There has been many a time that the dogs have become mere specks on the horizon from the distance they've had to cover with minimal effort from the thrower.

The Flyer is made of a soft, yet incredibly durable, rubber which is easy on the hands and teeth! The speed at which our dogs catch the frisbee is incredible, and you can only imagine what a harder plastic frisbee has done to a tooth over the years...

Overall,  Occa, Belle and I give the Kong Flyer an A+. We have never had a toy that has lasted this long and brought so much pleasure to the family. So simple to use and the bright colour makes it easy for the dogs to keep an eye on as they make their great leap.

Forever love your dog, 


A few action shots!

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