Wednesday 13 August 2014

Tackling Mt Taylor

Being practically born and bred Canberran the bush has long been my backyard. One of my favourite childhood haunts which has no become a favourite exercise regime in my adult years is the infamous (for Canberra anyway) Mount Taylor Reserve.
Mount Taylor is Canberra's second highest peak at an impressive 856 metres and is one of the most well known mountains in the Canberra region. A popular walking mecca for families, horse-riders, hikers, exercise enthusiaists and of course my dog lover comrades it is always a good place to meet like minded folks and socialize your pup of and weekend morning. Note - if you're not feeling up to and by sort of socialization I would avoid this area due to its popularity! !! 

There are several different routes up the mountain depending on which suburb you are keen to start from. I regularly take the curving path from Chifley, or the steep path from Torrens. Only a couple of times have I taken the fire truck path from Chifley as it is killer!!!! 

A few weekends ago we went out with the family and started walking from the Chifley suburbs, took the curving path and headed on up. We then went back down the curving path and went back via Chifley Shops for a coffee and some ball time. 

The path features a few break points which are great photo opportunities, and we also met the friendly neighborhood dog water carrier on the way up. A lovely gentlemen who carries 2L of water on his back to keep the bowl on the top of the mountain full!! The world needs more selfless people like him - he's a hoot! 

At the top, taking a well deserved break.

Belle basking in the warmth of the sun.

The dog bowl at the top which is refilled regularly by a friendly neighbor. 

Towards the end of the walk Belle trod on a thorn and decided she needed to be fireman carried for a little while. Her daddy happily obliged. 

All in all we did an 11km walk in two hours, which was enough to tire the pups out for the afternoon. Usually the route up the mountain only takes us an hour round trip.. but our stop at Chifley Shops was well worth the extra time.
Forever love your dog,

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